We need you.

Alumnae Involvement

Chi Alpha Nu collegiate members are known for being very active and involved on Muskingum’s campus. What many may not realize is that Kianu also has a very active alumnae group. After graduation, it can be difficult to leave behind friends from college. Becoming an involved Kianu alumnae can help ease this transition. Even years after graduation, many alumnae enjoy connecting with old friends, meeting other alumnae, and supporting the collegiate members. 

Here are some examples of ways to stay involved with Kianu after graduation:

  • Subscribe to the XAN Newsletter

  • Pay your alumnae dues: only $25 a year and payment entitles you to all XAN alum mailings and voting privileges.

  • Run for an Alumnae position/Officer

  • Visit the House at Homecoming

  • Volunteer for an alumni committee appointment

  • Attend alumni meetings and parties

  • Donate money to the club to help support the actives and the club’s future

  • Volunteer to lead a session during the actives’ fall retreat

  • Send pictures to post on the XAN website

  • Nominate a friend for the Girl with the Arrow honor

  • Send information to the Alumna Secretary

  • Join our Facebook group 

  • Follow us on social media!

If you are interested in becoming involved as a Chi Alpha Nu alumna, please contact one of our Alumnae Officers.


Coordinating an Alumnae Area or Starting an Alumnae Group

Northeast Ohio Kianu Alumnae Gathering

If you're reading this, you're probably either the Alumnae Outreach Director, an Alumnae Outreach Area Coordinator, or you're interested in starting a Kianu alumnae group. There's a lot to do, but we promise, once your group gets going, it will be worth the time you invest initially! 

Note to Alumnae Outreach Area Coordinators, since your areas are quite large, you may consider forming (or suggest others form) smaller alumnae groups within your area (example: Columbus area, Cleveland area, New Concord area). This will allow the groups to get together more often. To form these smaller groups, you may want to identify some leaders in those areas to form the group, and just have them report their progress to you.

One of the best parts of these alumnae groups is that they are mostly social! There will be some business to attend to, and some philanthropy involved, but volunteering can be a lot of fun when you have a group to do it with. This can be a great way to meet new friends in your area, and reconnect with Chi Alpha Nu.

Planning stage:

Contact us to get information on how to get a listing of all alumnae living within the zip codes in your area. 

Once you receive your list, enlist help!! Pick people off the list, and contact them to ask for their help in forming the group. Even if you don't know them, it can be a great way to meet new people. They will know Kianus from their active days and it can be a way to involve different "generations" of Kianus. Besides, it will be more fun if you have help in the planning stages! 

Decide on what type of event to have for your first meeting. This meeting should allow people to get to know each other, as well as plan for future events. Try to pick a time that most people should be able to attend.

Invitations. Try to use lots of color and interesting pictures/graphics to grab people’s attention. Give as much information about the event as possible to create interest. Include the following: date, time, location, directions, and costs involved. If baby-sitting will be available, include that information as well. State the intention to form an alumnae group and ask them to get involved. Offer three options for the RSVP: will attend, cannot attend, and cannot attend but would be interested in being involved in future events. This will allow you to identify interested alumnae, even if they don’t attend the first meeting. Set a final “respond by” date, so that you have enough time to plan particulars. Mail invitations at least four weeks in advance of the event. Keep receipts so that you can be reimbursed once the group starts collecting dues. 

Don’t forget about advertising on the XAN yahoo listserv or XAN website!

The first meeting:

  • Depending on the location and event, consider providing nametags.

  • Explain the purpose of the group (example: 70% social, 15% philanthropy, 15% business; or whatever combination you decide upon)

  • Discuss activities the group might participate in. Consider passing out a survey where people can indicate their interests and preferred meeting times. The whole group may decide to gear some events to different age groups and interests, in which people can pick an choose events that interest them. (examples of events listed below)

  • Plan a tentative calendar. How often will you meet? Delegate coordination, so that different members are in charge of different events. If small groups are created to plan certain events, the small group should set due dates so that everything runs smoothly.

  • If the Alumnae Outreach Area Coordinator will not be coordinating the group, elect or select a chair or co-chairs. Depending on size of group, other positions may be created to share tasks.

  • Pick a date and place for next meeting.

  • Set an expected budget for the next year (based on postage, location rentals, activities, etc.)

  • Depending on how often you plan to meet and the budget set by the group, determine dues. (Probably $10-$20 a year). It is important to note that these dues are separate from the Alumnae dues paid to the Corporation. Alumnae dues paid to the Corporation go to support Chi Alpha Nu while the local area dues go to support the social activities of the area alumnae group.

Possible Activities: 

(some events can include spouses and children, others can be limited to members)

  • Progressive Dinner (different courses at different member homes)

  • Fundraising: a 50/50 raffle (50% to winning individual, 50% for group's activities)

  • Happy hour at local pub

  • Picnic or Potluck (example: last names of A-H bring salad, I-P bring desert, Q-Z entree)

  • Spa day

  • Secret Santa exchange

  • Welcome event for newly graduated seniors

  • Kianu anniversary celebration

  • Meet at a bookstore on event nights.

  • Attend plays, concerts, ball games, etc.

  • Scrapbooking sessions 

  • Volunteer events (Habitat for Humanity, working at soup kitchen, etc.)

  • Pledge or graduation class reunions

After the first meeting:

  • Do a mailing/e-mail or call people (via phone tree) to remind people/let people know about the next event.

  • Consider writing a summary of what happened for the XAN newsletter, website or yahoo group; this may be a way to increase interest for those who were unable to attend.


  • The Alumnae Outreach Area Coordinators or group chair(s) should keep a record of events for the Alumnae Outreach Director.

  • Use each other for ideas! The Alumnae Outreach Director, Alumnae Outreach Area Coordinators and group chairs can communicate by email (or phone for those without email) to share resources and ideas.

If you have any questions, please contact your Alumnae Outreach Director. Have fun!