‘Gimme $5’ Class Challenge
Will you ‘Gimme $5’ for the XAN House?
We are running a contest to see which class is going to win the 'Gimme $5' Class Challenge to raise money for the XAN House.
To participate each class needs to select a team leader who will reach out and get their sisters to sign up for the 'Gimme $5' Campaign through their private class page which will be set up by their class Team Leader.
Whichever class can pledge the most money over the next year through this campaign will get a weekend getaway at the Kianu House, some free XAN swag and of course bragging rights.
The Class that has the highest overall percentage of participation will get an XAN Swag Bag shipped to each member!!!
DEADLINE EXTENDED: All submissions must be made by Dec 31, 2021.
The winning Classes for most pledges and highest percentage of participation will be announced in January 2022.
The race is on. Get your hustle on. :)